lunedì 14 novembre 2016

"Working as a tour guide wa a job I was passionate about and which aloud me to learn extensively the topography on ancient Roma", Federico Zeri, Caro Professore, Roma, 1988.
Federico Zeri, Caro Professore, Roma, 1998.

«L’attività di accompagnatore turistico fu un lavoro che mi appassionò moltissimo e mi permise di imparare, in maniera molto particolareggiata la topografia di Roma antica»

sabato 12 novembre 2016

The restored ‘Last Supper’ by Giorgio Vasari

Since November 4, 2016 it is possible to view “The Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari, on display in a wing of the Museo dell’Opera di Santa Croce, the old refectory. The monumental painting (more than 8 x 21) divided onto five wooden panels, has a very fascinating history.   

It was painted in 1546 by Giorgio Vasari, the favourite artist of Granduke Cosimo I, for the convent ‘Le Murate’ along via Ghibellina in Florence. This was its original location until the beginning of ninenteenth century when it was then relocated to the convent of Santa Croce. Here in the Museo dell’Opera di Santa Croce the Last Supper hung and on November 4th 1966 the river Arno flouded the work remained there under water and mud for over 12 hours. The painting was deeply damaged in both its wooden substructure as well the paints used in the painting itself.  Since it was rescued in November of 1966 it has remained there for 50 years untouched in the restoration labs at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. 

The restoration of Vasari’s “Last Supper” began in 2005 by a team of restorations experts at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure which is one of the two most important conservation schools in Italy.

The results? Brilliant!   Magnifcent!  Stunning!

The team, as we can read in the news of the Getty Foundation, developed a conservation solution based on the support system originally devised by Vasari himself, which has stabilized the painting while also allowing the wooden panels to move naturally with standard temperature and humidity fluctuations. They also were able to recover an unanticipated amount of the original painted surface, revealing the artist’s hand in surprising details.    

Compliments to all the restorers and many, many thanks to the Opera di Santa Croce, Prada Company, The Getty Foundation and the Italian Civil Protection Department for their generous support of this project.

This type of recovery effort whose results are so magnificent makes me proud to be Italian!! Bravi!!      


martedì 16 novembre 2010

Su di me... About me ....

About me
            I was born and  grew up in Prato, where I live in an apartment, recently renovated, overlooking Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square), but, as often as possible I run away to Cortona. My family has lived there for centuries; my soul becomes at peace with the rest of the world in my home-away-from-home inside the Etruscan walls.  
          I have a deep and sincere passion for art and history; I work as a licensed tour guide in Florence, Prato, and Cortona.
          After high school in Prato at the Liceo Classico Cicognini, I studied art history at the University of Florence. Under the guidance of Mina Gregori, an art historian universally known, I become fond of Tuscan Renaissance art, particulary of Piero della Francesca and his most brilliant follower, Bartolomeo della Gatta.
          My natural and deep curiosity for  history led me to  the School of Paleography  and Archivist in the State Archive in Florence, where I received my diploma in 2003. As a free-lance archivist from 2002 to 2006, I collaborated with the State Archives in Prato, and worked on the project of digitalizing and computer acquisition of the letters of the merchant Francesco di Marco Datini, who was born in Prato and lived in the second half of the 14th century.  
          In 1998 I obtained the license as a professional tour guide in Prato, then in 2004 in Florence and surroundings; it’s a job which allows me to use my humanist education. In November 2010, I got the official license as professional tour guide in Arezzo and surroundings, which means that I can guide in my beloved Cortona.
          Other interests? I love deeply the antiques, antique trades as well as I enjoy looking for odd and eccentric objects in vintage shops and  in flea markets.
I own an American costume jewelry collection, composed of pieces from the twentieth century to todayI love reading, walking and traveling.
My self introduction can’t be ended without mention of my enormous love for animals, particularly dogs.

Su di me 

Sono nata e cresciuta a Prato, dove vivo in un appartamento recentemente restaurato che si affaccia su piazza del Duomo, ma non appena mi è possibile scappo a Cortona, da dove la mia famiglia proviene; solo qui nella casa di famiglia all’interno delle mura etrusche la mia anima si riconcilia con il mondo.    
Devo alla mia profonda passione per l’arte e la storia le mie principali specificità professionali. Dopo gli studi superiori che ho svolto presso il liceo classico Cicognini di Prato, ho frequentato i corsi di storia dell’arte presso l’università degli studi di  Firenze. E sotto la guida della professoressa Mina Gregori, storica dell’arte di fama internazionale, che mi ha appassionato allo studio della storia dell’arte, ho concentrato i miei interessi sulla storia dell’arte del Rinascimento toscano, in particolare su Piero della Francesca ed il suo più brillante seguace Bartolomeo della Gatta.
La mia naturale e profonda curiosità per la storia mi ha spinto a frequentare la scuola in paleografia e diplomatica presso l’Archivio di Stato di Firenze, dove ho ottenuto il diploma nel 2003; ho collaborato con l’archivio di Stato di Prato al progetto di digitalizzazione e acquisizione informatica del carteggio di Francesco Datini, mercante pratese vissuto nella seconda metà del Trecento, lavoro che ho svolto dal 2002 al 2006.
Nel 1998 ho conseguito l’abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di guida turistica nella città e provincia di Prato e nel 2004 quella di Firenze, professione che mi consente di esprimere al meglio la mia formazione umanistica; nel novembre 2010 ho esteso la mia abilitazione ad Arezzo e alla sua provincia.  
Altri interessi? Amo profondamente l’antiquariato così come mi diverto a cercare oggetti stravaganti ed eccentrici nei negozi vintage e nei mercatini delle pulci. Ho una collezione di bigiotteria americana d’epoca (dagli anni Venti del Novecento ad oggi). Amo leggere, camminare e viaggiare.
E amo gli animali, i cani in particolare.